My Writing Journey | 6

My writing journey day 6

Today I finally scheduled the next chapter of my story. It took a while but it’s probably one of the best chapters, lore wise, I have written. Even have the next chapter planned out and began planning the chapter after that.

I find it a lot easier to write my story if I do one page at a time. Honestly, now I’m wondering if I should plan out the entire book in one go. I have a couple of weeks so I have the time to do it.

I even asked a family member to help me edit my most recent chapter, because the chance was offered to me, and it saved me an hour of work. That’s because I’m so self-critical of my work that I constantly have this lens over my eyes.

I also feel like I have gained a clearer mind recently. It made my writing that much more clear and complex. I can safely say that taking better care of myself is helping my writing to an unprecedented level.

Meditations, eating healthier, therapy, hygiene, being outside more often. All these things help my writing. Of course, I can thank my dog for that too.

Everything in my life is clearing up and because of that I feel like I can write stories more freely.

The first thing I wanted to do this morning was write my story. Catching up on everything I fell behind on and work toward getting this book finished so I can start the second one in the series.

I also want to do my graphic novel. My drawing skills need to be improved for that but I do want to tackle it one day. It would be such a fun experience.

The next chapter is super lore heavy so make sure to check it out and leave a comment if you have any comments on this blog.

I also now have a Facebook. So if you don’t have any instagram you can go there for updates!

And as a reminder I use Wattpad to compete in contests so if you want to see more of my writing make sure to check that out too.

Kindle Vella: Originators || Winter

Wattpad: cozyandsnug

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